Dental cleannings

For your pets best smile

Bad doggie breath getting to you? Smelly breath is a sign that your pet may need a dental cleaning. Like humans, pets develop dental plaque. If left untreated their soft plaque builds up into hard dental calculi, which harbors bacteria and can cause the gums to recede and bleed. 

Routine dental cleanings are important to a healthy pet. What many people don't realize is that a pet's dental health affects their overall well-being and can affect other organs as well such as the heart and the kidneys. We recommend routine dental cleanings for a healthy mouth and a healthy pet.  

Our comprehensive dental cleaning involves your pet being anesthetized. This will allow us to clean, polish, and seal the teeth thoroughly without causing discomfort to your pet in the process. We also have a dental xray machine that allows us to take a more detailed look at the health of each individual tooth of your pet. 

Make an appointment today to get the ball rolling on a brighter smile and a healthy mouth for your furry family members!